Let’s learn from each other
by sharing our own Thoughts & Opinions
Dear sisters:
It’s a call for Creative Writing and Self Innovation in English language
ça vous dit de tweeter ensemble
et partager nos propres sagesses et pensées
Chacun est unique en Soi
Toute personne a sa propre perception de la vie
Des expériences qui lui sont propres
Partant, c’est un appel pour le partage bénéfique qui enrichisse le Savoir et favorise l’apprentissage en Français.
Au plaisir de vous lire
رائدات قسم اللغات الأجنبية
هي دعوة للتغريد و التعبير الماتع عن أفكارنا للإستفادة من بعضنا البعض
وفي نفس الوقت تشجيع لكل مهتمة بتطوير و صقل مَلكة الكتابة بالإنجليزية أو الفرنسية.
أتمنى أن تنال الفكرة إستحسانكم
Let’s Tweet tweet
Avoid Fear..
Be Strong, you deserve the best:As you are
~ Slave of Allah ~
i have this nice proverbe that i really like and i would like to share it with you
”closed mouth catches no flies”
It means if you keep your mouth shutted you will avoid problems
salam everyone
our sister Sara suggests sharing our thoughts and this is not linked to mistakes "to err is human" so it’s not a shame if we commit mistakes for the sake of learning . have a nice day
”taking the best and forgetting the rest”
"Take what someone says with a pinch of salt"
This means not to take what someone says too seriously . There is a big possibility that what he says is only partly true